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Student Services

Our Counselors

Mr. Costales and Ms. Siez

What is my counselors job?
Works with students, parents, and teachers/administrators
Counsels students individually, in small group, and in large classroom guidance settings
Helps to identify the needs of children
Encourages better students relationships
Promotes positive attitudes and good choices
Coordinates referrals to outside agencies
Provides preventive and developmental guidance

How can I see my counselor?
Students may refer themselves by asking a teacher
Parents may refer their child
Teachers/administrators may refer students
Counseling is a voluntary and confidential service!


Our Nurse

 Ms. Smith

Student Health Forms

Authorization to Carry Prescription Inhaler, Auto Epinephrine Injector, or Diabetic Equipment (PDF) [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]

Lice Control Guidelines - English [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]

Lice Control Guidelines - Spanish [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]

Medication Authorization Form (PDF) [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]

Procedure for Reporting Communicable Diseases [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]

Allergic Reaction Plan [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]

State-Required Immunizations for Purposes of Student Enrollment (PDF) [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink]